Thanksgiving: Thanks to our Decompression Volunteers and Participants

On this Thanksgiving Day,I'd like to give thanks to all our BURN Events committee members, Decompression volunteers, and Decompression participants for making our September 19 event a success. 

In the interest of transparency, the full financial report for every Decompression from 2010-2015 is available.For the TLDR crowd:

The event at El Rey Ballroom had 244 attendees (exclusive of venue staff and paid, but unclaimed tickets). Gross Income was $9517, including $753 from sales of additional drink tickets and cups for those who failed to heed the BYO cup policy. Total Expenses were $7,248, with the largest being venue rental ($4,000), beverage program ($1472), and insurance ($728). The net income of $2,269 will be used by BURN NFP to help fund it's ongoing Art Grant program and the BURN/BWB Civic Grant Program.


Because this won't fully fund the program at past levels, we can still use your support:

1. If you use Amazon to do your holiday or other shopping, use this link: and Amazon will make a donation to Bold Urban.

2. Donations are accepted on paypal at or by mail at P.O. Box 5992, Chicago, IL 60680.

3. If you work for a company that matches charitable donations, see if Bold Urban Renaissance Network is in your system and if not, contact us at and we'll get you the info you need.



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